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How To Cope With The Anxiety We Feel At The End Of The Year Covelium . Com 02 How To Cope With The Anxiety We Feel At The End Of The Year Covelium . Com 02

How to Cope with the Anxiety We Feel at the End of the Year

Fireworks, songs, and the scent of fir trees, and tangerines always accompany the New Year holidays.

On one hand, notes of joy and hope are becoming more tangible in the air. On the other, there’s a faint trace of anxiety. An inexplicable heaviness overshadows the anticipation, leading to unpleasant reflections. It’s worth noting that these feelings are universal. It’s not about paranoia or pessimism but rather the moment itself, which naturally lends itself to reflection. The end of the year is far from easy emotionally. To alleviate the melancholy, it’s important to understand its origins and take practical steps to address it.

Reasons for Year-End Anxiety

The most obvious causes of heightened anxiety are straightforward: work overload, the absence of expected bonuses, and significantly increased yet inevitable expenses. Add to that a host of small tasks like tidying the house, visiting relatives, going to the hairdresser, and choosing holiday outfits, especially if you’re celebrating the New Year outside your home. However, deeper causes of concern also exist.

Lack of Achievements

As the New Year approaches, we often look back on the past 12 months. It’s a significant period that deserves reflection. Regrets about unfulfilled goals, unmet expectations, and broken promises surface. Think back to how determined you were a year ago to quit smoking, devote more time to your hobbies, or change jobs. Yet your lifestyle remains unchanged, which feels like a clear failure. This sense of disappointment is heightened by the festive atmosphere and its accompanying advertisements. It seems like everyone else is happy and successful, confidently moving forward with smiles on their faces.

How To Cope With The Anxiety We Feel At The End Of The Year Covelium . Com 01

Too Many Responsibilities

New Year’s is undoubtedly the best holiday in the world when you’re a child – carefree days filled with gifts and joy. As you grow older, things change. While the festive spirit remains, it’s overshadowed by a host of responsibilities. Now you’re the one giving gifts, managing household chores, and wrapping up work projects. On top of that, countless small dilemmas arise, like whether to splurge on fireworks. These seemingly minor concerns demand attention, decisions, and action. On New Year’s Eve, the number of such tasks multiplies compared to everyday life.

Fear of Promises

New Year’s resolutions are born long before the holidays. In the summer, they seem light and distant, as if there’s an eternity ahead. But as the celebration nears, the pressing question arises: Will you make promises, and more importantly, will you keep them? We all have past failures that intensify guilt and insecurity about future commitments. It might seem simpler to avoid making resolutions and just enjoy the night. But we tend to attach special meaning to significant dates. It’s impossible not to think about dreams and desires on such an occasion, even knowing that many will never come true.

How to Overcome Year-End Anxiety

Above, we discussed the most common reasons for year-end anxiety. As you can see, it’s not just a bad mood or age-related grumbling. Your reasons might differ, so it’s worth digging into your mind, breaking your emotions into smaller parts, and identifying the root causes. To alleviate anxiety, you can try various methods. For some, it’s enough to indulge in an impulsive purchase, enjoy a good meal, take a trip out of town, or turn off their phone for a couple of days. However, working on your thoughts can also be invaluable.

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There Will Never Be Enough Achievements

Reflecting on accomplishments is a natural process at the end of the year. During these days, everyone thinks about what they’ve achieved, where they’ve been, and whom they’ve met. But remember, no amount of success will ever silence your inner critic completely. Unless you’ve spent the year lying idle or become a billionaire and orbited the moon, your critic will always find something to nitpick. Focus instead on the positive moments. These 12 months likely weren’t the worst period of your life. There were probably bright days, significant achievements, or important beginnings worth celebrating.

Mindful Promises

This is more of a preventative measure. Approach your New Year’s resolutions more thoughtfully. For example, “Next year, I’ll quit smoking” is a weak promise and likely to remain unfulfilled. “In January, I’ll seek professional help and quit smoking by summer” sounds much more realistic. This sets a concrete timeline, making it easier to track progress and avoid vague, long-term goals. If you feel extremely uncertain, it’s better not to make promises at all. Replace them with something less binding, like “I’ll try.” The key is to genuinely try.

Be Yourself

You’ll have a lot of tasks before New Year’s, but most can be completed in advance. Clear your schedule for December 30 and 31 so you have nothing left to do on those days. This will allow you to relax and fully immerse yourself in the holiday spirit. It’s time to let go of your worries. It may seem illogical or impractical, but the rest of the year will take up enough of your time and energy without your consent. You have the right to enjoy the holidays.

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Spend the time as you truly want. Don’t force yourself to attend a noisy party if you don’t feel like it. Don’t invite people over if you don’t want their company. You can even avoid making any plans – one way or another, the holiday will catch up with you by midnight.

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